S and K


Moses Schönfinkel's inspiration came from the recently discovered result that all of the known operators in propositional logic (~a, a && b, a || b, a => b and a <=> b) could be reduced to / derived from a single operator: nand.


Notation: a tree (xy) can be thought as a function x applied to an argument y. When evaluated, the tree returns a value. The function, argument or values are either combinators or binary trees.

S and K


The k combinator is: k[x][y] = x


The s and k combinators: s[x][y][z] = x[z][y[z]] and


For example, let's say we start from s[k][s][k]. This evaluates to k[k][s[k]] by applying the s rule with x = k, y = s and z = k. This then evalutes to k as we apply the k rule with x = k and y = s[k]. Since there is no more rule to apply, it halts.

Boolean logic

We pick very specific definitions of true and false, such that we can construct an if-then-else structure: when true follow the then, when false follow the else.

And from that, we define other boolean combinators to perform the task that we want them to perform.


We define T[x][y] = T = K, which because K[x][y] = x, and,


We define F[x][y] = F[x][y] = S[K][x][y], which is K[y][x[y]] = y. With that, then,


We define NOT[x] as S[S[I][K[F]]][K[T]][x], which leads to S[I][K[F]][x][K[T][x]] = I[x][K[F][x]][T] = x[F][T].

For example, NOT[T] = T[F][T] = F, NOT[F] = F[F][T] = T:


OR[x][y] = S[I][K[T]][x][y] = I[x][K[T][x]][y] = x[T][y]

For example: OR[T][T] = T[T][T] = T, OR[T][F] = T[T][F] = T, OR[F][T] = F[T][T] = T and OR[F][F] = F[F][F] = F.


AND[x][y] = S[S][K[K[F]]][x][y] = S[x][K[K[F]][x]][y] = x[y][K[K[F]][x][y]] = x[y][K[F][y]] = x[y][F], e.g. AND[T][T] = T[T][F] = T, AND[T][F] = T[F][F] = F, AND[F][T] = F[T][F] = F and AND[F][F] = F[F][F] = F.


You can combine combinators (duh) to form composite constructions, for example a NAND[x][y] = NOT[AND[x][y]] = AND[x][y][F][T] = x[y][F][F][T].

For example, NAND[T][T] = T[T][F][F][T] = T[F][T] = F, NAND[F][T] = F[T][F][F][T] = F[F][T] = T, NAND[T][F] = T[F][F][F][T] = F[F][T] = T and NAND[F][F] = F[F][F][F][T] = F[F][T] = T.



I[x]: S[K][x][y] always evaluates to y in two steps (S[K][x][y] = K[y][x[z]] = y). S[K][x][y] and I[y] are functionally equivalent because they always yield the same result when applied to any y.


N[x][y] is defined as N = K[I] and results in y, since N[x][y] = K[i][x][y] = I[y] = y, which complements K (which selects the first parameter, rather than the second).



  • B[f][g][x] = f[g[x]] performs a composition of functions (i.e. f * g (x) = f(g(x))), and is defined as B[f][g][x] = S[K[S]][K][f][g][x] = K[S][f][K[f]][g][x] = S[K[f]][g][x] = K[f][x][g[x]] = f[g[x]].


  • C[f][g][x] = f[x][g], defined as C[f][g][x] = S[B[B][S]][K[K]][f][g][x] = B[B][S][f][K[K][f]][g][x] = B[S[f]][K[K][f]][g][x] = S[f][K[K][f][g]][x] = f[x][K[K][f][g][x]] = f[x][K[g][x]] = f[x][g]


  • W[x][f] = f[x] takes the second parameter and applies it to the first, which is constructed as W[x][f] = C[I][x][f] = I[f][x] = f[x].


V[x][y][z] = z[x][y] takes the third argument, applies it to the first argument and then to the second. It is is defined as B[C][W][x][y][z] = C[W[x]][y][z] = W[x][z][y] = z[x][y].

Data Structures


Suppose we want to describe ordered pairs, say (x, y), we can define a combinator Pair[x][y] such that First[Pair[x][y]] = x and Second[Pair[x][y]] = y. If we define Pair[x][y][z] = V[x][y][z] = z[x][y] and First = W[T] and Second = W[F].

For example, First[Pair[x][y]] = W[T][Pair[x][y]] = Pair[x][y][T] = T[x][y] = x and Second[Pair[x][y]] = W[F][Pair[x][y]] = Pair[x][y][F] = F[x][y] = y.

Natural Numbers


We want to make the function Zero[x] return T when x = 0 and F otherwise, so we define Zero[x] = First[x]. Since we want Zero[0] = First[0] = W[T][0] = 0[T]. If we define 0 = I, then Zero[0] = 0[T] = I[T] = T. So, we define 0 = I.

1, 2, 3, ...

With the representation of 0 in place, we can define 1 as the pair Pair[F][0], 2 = Pair[F][1], 3 = Pair[F][2], and so on.

We can then define Next[n] = Pair[false][n], which can give us our natural numbers 0, Next[0], Next[Next[0]], Next[Next[Next[0]]], etc.

The Previous[n] = Second[n], for example Previous[2] = Second[2] = Second[Pair[F][1]] = 1.




We'd like to derive a combinator that can compute the application of a function n times, e.g. Apply[0][f][x] = x, Apply[1][f][x] = f(x), Apply[2][f][x] = f[f[x]], and so on.


For example, adding two numbers, m and n is the same as applying the function Next m times to n. That is, Add[m][n] = Apply[m][Next][n] = Next[Next[Next[...[Next[n]]]]] (embeds m times).

We define Apply[n][f][x] as Zero[n][x][f[Apply[Previous[n]][f][x]]], which in practice can read as:

Apply(n, f, x) {
if (Zero(n) == T) {
return x;
} else {
return f(Apply(Previous(n), f, x));


Much like Add, we can define Sub as Sub[m][n] = Apply[m][Previous][n].


Fibonacci: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, ...

NextPair[p] = Pair[Second[p]][Add[First[p]][Second[p]]]. For example, NextPair[Pair[0][1]] = Pair[Second[Pair[0][1]]][Add[First[Pair[0][1]]][Second[Pair[0][1]]]] = Pair[1][Add[0][1]] = Pair[1][1].


  • i[x] = x[S][K]

  • I[x] = i[i][x] = i[S][K][x] = S[S][K][K][x] = S[K][K[K]][x] = K[x][K[K][x]] = x.

  • K[x][y] = i[i[I]][x][y] = i[i[i[i]]][x][y] = i[i[i[S][K]]][x][y] = i[i[S][S][K][K]]][x][y] = i[S[S][K][S][K][K]][x][y] = S[S][K][S][K][K][S][K][x][y] = S[S][K[S]][K][K][S][K][x][y] = S[K][K[S][K]][S][K][x][y] = S[K][S][S][K][x][y] = K[S][S[S]][K][x][y] = S[K][S[S][K]][x][y] = K[x][S[S][K][y]] = x.

  • S[x][y][z] = i[K][x][y][z] = K[S][K][x][y][z] = S[x][y][z] = x[z][y[z]]

  • i[x] => x[[a][b][c] => a[c][b[c]]]][[d][e] => d]

  • i[i][x] => i[[a][b][c] => a[c][b[c]]]][[d][e] => d][x] = ([a][b][c] => a[c][b[c]])[[a][b][c] => a[c][b[c]]]][[d][e] => d]][[d][e] => d][x] = ([a][b][c] => a[c][b[c]])[[d][e] => d][([d][e] => d)[[d][e] => d]][x] = ([d][e] => d)[x][([d][e] => d)[[d][e] => d][x]] = x.

Alternatively, j would also work:

  • j[x] = x[K][S]
  • S = j[j][j] = j[K][S][j] = K[K][S][S][j] = K[S][j] = S
  • K = j[j[j][j][j][j]] = j[S[j][j]] = S[j][j][K][S] = j[K][j[K]][S] = K[K][S][j[K]][S] = K[j[K]][S] = j[K] = K[K][S] = K;

Another option is W[x] = x[K][S][K] with K = W[W][W] and S = W[W[W]].

  • K = W[W][W] = W[K][S][K][W] = K[K][S][K][S][K][W] = K[K][S][K][W] = K[K][W] = K
  • S = W[W[W]] = W[W[K][S][K]] = W[K[K][S][K][S][K]] = K[K][S][K][S][K][K][S][K] = K[K][S][K][K][S][K] = K[K][K][S][K] = K[S][K] = S.

If we define m as:

  • m[x][y][z] = x[z][y[K[z]]]

  • K = m[m[m]][ m[m[m]][m][m] [m][m][m]] = m[m[m]][ m[m][m][m[K[m]]] [m][m][m]] = m[m[m]][ m[m[K[m]]][m[K[m[K[m]]]]] [m][m][m]]

  • S = m (m (m m (m m (m m))(m (m (m m (m m)))))) m m


Self Application

M[x] (sometimes also called u, e.g. here) is a combinator that takes an argument and applies that argument to itself: M[x] = S[I][I][x] = I[x][I[x]] = x[x]

An interesting property of the M combinator is that its self-application is irreducible: u[u] = s[i][i][s[i][i]] = i[s[i][i]][i[s[i][i]]] = s[i][i][s[i][i]] = u[u].


R[x][y] = y[x] can be constructed as R[x][y] = S[K[S[I]]][K][x][y] = K[S[I]][x][K[x]][y] = S[I][K[x]][y] = I[y][K[x][y]] = y[K[x][y]] = y[x].
