Mimetic Theory

  • three movements: mimetic desire / mimetic rivalry, scapegoating and revelation.
  • mimetic desire
    • human desire, as opposed to animal appetite: we don't know how to desire things directly, but rather indirectly through the desire of others.
    • triangular structure between object, model and desire
    • if you imitate the sire of someone else, you are an admirer of someone else
    • if you desire the same object, you create a mimetic rivalry movement
    • they are united by the same desire, they get separated when they become scarse
      • mediated through abundance or differentiation.
  • the scapegoating mechanism, the sacrifice ritual
    • without such a mechanims, there would total conflict all the time
    • they unite against a victim
    • excommunication, ostricization to create the peace to allow the social cohesion to form
  • the revelation, the ritual sacrifice * *
  • examples?
    • werewolf the game?
    • watchman
  • needs vs desires: e.g. you need to eat but you desire sugar